With over eight years of professional experience under my belt, I am endlessly passionate about staying current and adapting to the ever-changing digital landscape.
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User Research
understanding the behaviors, needs, motivations, and preferences of the target users by gathering and analyzing data through various qualitative and quantitative methods
UX / UI Design
creating a visually appealing and cohesive design that enhances the user experience and effectively communicates the product's functionalities
Webflow Development
combining aspects of web design, UI development, and content management while generating clean HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code based on visual designs
Teresa is endlessly curious about how our technology works and what our customer's needs are. Her continued desire to discover new opportunities to improve our customers' experiences with our products through design is inspiring for those who work with her.
SVP, Revenue Products
Samba TV
Teresa's dedication to intellectual honesty fosters trust amongst stakeholders, drives self-improvement, and ensures her designs truly serve user needs. Her willingness to engage in thoughtful self-reflection and maintain high ethical standards is a testament to her integrity as a designer and leader.
Chief Operating Officer,
‍Samba TV
Teresa can read between the lines and create the highest quality output imaginable. She is able to visualize and bring to life things that are only thoughts or passing comments in a way that is impactful for everyone who sees it."
Senior Product Manager
Samba TV
Teresa is an incredibly valuable member of the team. What stands out is her ability to identify user requirements for product development and goes above & beyond her duties to support the release of products. She has a keen eye for detail and a strong work ethic, which are both extremely valuable qualities."
Product Manager,
Samba TV
Is it me or is everything Teresa Pesenti touches suddenly more beautiful? Thank you for your relentless energy, great taste, and world class design.
CEO, Samba TV
Teresa’s expertise, collaborative spirit, and leadership have consistently produced remarkable results for the measurement team. Her ability to foster internal relationships, engage in effective collaboration, and adeptly manage input from key stakeholders across various departments and seniority levels is truly exceptional. She possesses a keen understanding of how to align priorities and objectives to ensure the successful outcome of projects.
Associate Director, Measurement Science
Samba TV
What is your design background?
I received my BFA in Communications Design from Syracuse University where I was educated and trained in various graphic design disciplines (packaging, web, digital, print, motion, branding, environmental, and product design)

From there, I took my skills to the real world as a designer for various companies where I continue to learn and expand my skillset.
Have you ever completed product design training?
Aside from my collegiate training, I completed a 6-course specialization program in User Experience Research and Design from the University of Michigan.

The program was 28 weeks long and was incredibly enabling of my growth as a product designer.

You can view the specialization certificate here: https://www.coursera.org/account/accomplishments/specialization/certificate/NL7BM3LTVGTK
What design tools do you typically use?
Figma, Adobe XD, and Webflow are my top 3.

I'm also very well-versed in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere, and AfterEffects
What types of UX research do you typically incorporate into your design process?
I try my best to employ heuristic evaluations, criteria & constraint analyses, users & personas, scenarios, affinity diagrams, user interviews, usability testing,  journey maps, surveys, sitemaps, and information architecture into my design process.
What design skills do you offer during the product lifecycle?
Depending on the project, I tend to create sketches, wireframes, low to high-fidelity prototypes, mockups, QA, branding, art direction, and design system building
What is your experience in front-end development?
This is a new challenge for me, but one I am excited to tackle. At the moment, I am taking the online Meta Front-End Developer specialization course and putting my training to the test by working in HTML, CSS, and Javascript for various projects at my current employer.

I've also built full-functioning websites and applications in Webflow and am continuing to expand my knowledge of this extremely versatile platform.